Dan Boneh

Digital Library

ACM Fellows

USA - 2016


For contributions to cryptography and computer security.

ACM Prize in Computing

USA - 2014


For ground-breaking contributions to the development of pairing-based cryptography and its application in identity-based encryption.

Dan Boneh's work was central to establishing the field of pairing-based cryptography where pairings are used to construct new cryptographic capabilities and improve the performance of existing ones. Boneh, in joint work with Matt Franklin, constructed a novel pairing-based method for identity-based encryption (IBE), whereby a user's public identity, such as an email address, can function as the user's public key. Since then, Boneh's contributions, together with those of others, have shown the power and versatility of pairings, which are now used as a mainstream tool in cryptography. The transfer of pairings from theory to practice has been rapid. Organizations now using pairings include healthcare, financial, and insurance institutions. Over a billion IBE-encrypted emails are sent each year.

More generally, Boneh has made significant contributions to a broad range of applications in cryptography and computer security, including: anti-phishing tools, compact digital signatures, password protection, fingerprinting of digital content, electronic voting, spam filtering, and side-channel attack analysis. Boneh has also made seminal contributions in a variety of other areas, such as DNA computing and learning theory.