Margaret Martonosi

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ACM Frances E. Allen Award for Outstanding Mentoring

USA - 2023


For outstanding and far-reaching mentoring in computer architecture, and to the broader CS community

Professor Margaret Martonosi has made extraordinary research, mentoring, and service contributions over the course of her career. Martonosi envisioned, designed, secured funding for, and coordinated development of, the Discipline Specific Workshop program for the NSF Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance between CRA-W and the Coalition to Diversify Computing. These career development workshops for women and minorities were tailored to subdisciplines of computing research. Participants in these workshops had the chance to develop professional networks with other women in their subfield of computing and gain vital career guidance from successful, senior role models.

Martonosi has mentored over 30 PhD students who have gone on to successful careers. She has been a dedicated and extremely effective mentor for women and minority undergraduate and graduate students. Since 1995, she has supervised the undergraduate research of many students, including hosting undergraduate women from other colleges and universities such as Columbia, Pomona College, Georgia Tech, Hiram College, Duke, and Mt. Holyoke College to come work with her as summer research interns at Princeton. She was honored with Princeton's Graduate Mentoring Award in 2010 and the Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) in 2013.

Martonosi's research has made myriad contributions to power-aware architecture. Her early research on narrow-bitwidth operands cut arithmetic energy requirements in half by exploiting common data value patterns. This work was patented and licensed to Intel. Martonosi's research originally focused on power optimizations in general-purpose computer architectures. She later broadened her scope to energy issues in mobile sensor networks where energy dictates the lifetime and success of a system. Her ZebraNet Wildlife Tracking Project established the field of mobile sensor networks.  Covering large tracking areas (10s-100s of miles) with no installed infrastructure,  using traditional protocols would have required very high-powered, long-range radios. In contrast, ZebraNet developed the first energy-efficient protocols for opportunistic routing using low-power, short-range data transfers. The project comprehensively addressed: hardware design, energy adaptation, communication protocols, and system software. ZebraNet was deployed twice in Kenya; it collected 1000s of data points on Plains Zebras, providing biologists with never-before-seen animal behavior data, and established the utility of mobile sensor networks for many problems that are now adapted broadly in sensors and mobile devices.

Martonosi recently served a 4-year term as NSF's Assistant Director leading the Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) Directorate.

Martonosi has made tremendous research contributions, while moving the needle on inclusion and mentoring.

ACM-IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award

USA - 2021


For contributions to the design, modeling, and verification of power-efficient computer architecture

ACM Fellows

USA - 2009


For contributions in power-aware computing.