Valerie Barr

Digital Library

ACM Distinguished Member

USA - 2019

Press Release

Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award

USA - 2016


For broadening the impact of ACM-W, increasing its effectiveness in supporting women in computing worldwide, and encouraging participation in ACM.

Valerie Barr is an exceptional leader of the ACM-W, providing a strong leadership example to those responsible for project efforts of ACM-W. She has sought out and built strong partnerships with organizations that share ACM-W's mission to better realize its goals. She has also developed relationships with industry to support ACM-W's work. She has worked to establish ACM-W internationally as a key partner in addressing issues of underrepresentation of women in the computing field.  During her tenure, ACM-W Europe and ACM-W India were developed or expanded significantly.  ACM-W Celebration conferences have spread to new venues including many in Cuba, Canada, England and Puerto Rico.

Valerie works tirelessly for the benefit of both ACM-W and ACM, making appearances at various conferences and important ACM events. She develops opportunities for ACM and ACM-W to shine as organizations that will support computing professionals in all aspects of their career, encouraging students, faculty, and those in industry to become members. She is a truly effective representative of ACM and ACM-W, deserving of recognition for her outstanding contributions.

Press Release

ACM Senior Member

USA - 2009