Mehran Sahami

Digital Library

ACM Distinguished Member

USA - 2019

Press Release

ACM Presidential Award

USA - 2014


For outstanding leadership of, and commitment to, the three-year ACM/IEEE-CS effort to produce CS2013, a comprehensive revision of the curricular guidelines for undergraduate programs in computer science

For outstanding leadership of, and commitment to, the three-year ACM/IEEE-CS effort to produce CS2013  a comprehensive revision of the curricular guidelines for undergraduate programs in computer science. In leading this effort, Dr. Sahami assembled a stellar ACM Delegation; led the joint-society steering committee in efforts to engage the computer science education community worldwide; managed the process of public review and comment; and led the production of a final report that is international in scope, offers curricular and pedagogical guidance applicable to a wide range of institutions, and identifies exemplars of actual courses to provide concrete guidance for implementation of the curriculum in a variety of institutional contexts. CS2013 will set the standards for computer science education worldwide for the next decade.