Chris Stephenson

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ACM Distinguished Member

USA - 2018

Press Release

Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award

USA - 2018


For advancing K-12 CS education by founding and developing the Computer Science Teachers Association and incorporating its mission and membership into the ACM professional community.

Dr. Chris Stephenson has expanded the definition of the professional computing community to include K-12 computer science (CS) teachers and education partners, supporting ACM's mission to increase the diversity and perspectives of the community. Chris's work in architecting, founding and nurturing the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) in partnership with ACM into a professional international organization with more than 22,000 members dedicated to supporting teachers and pursuing excellence in K-12 CS education is widely recognized. Her scholarly research contributions, including work on computational thinking in K-12 education, the inaugural CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards and the Running on Empty and Bugs in the System reports, have led to projects, initiatives and policy changes that have deeply and positively impacted K-12 education and educators globally.

With great foresight, Chris recognized long ago that the field of computing extended beyond those with academic degrees in computer science and fostered inclusivity via ACM. Chris has been a tireless and effective community builder. As an outstanding leader and advocate for CS education, she identified the need for, supported, and promoted the development of a robust and multi-faceted community supporting computer science education. Her unique ability to engage academics, industry professionals, policy makers, and K-12 teachers and administrators in a positive and productive dialog has advanced computer science education around the world and expanded the definition of what it is to be a computing professional. The impact of including teachers, education partners, and corporate philanthropy organizations in ACM has been far-reaching, especially as computing has become increasingly ubiquitous across industries and "hybrid" careers requiring computer science skills and business domain expertise have emerged.

Press Release

ACM Presidential Award

USA - 2016


A true visionary and teaching advocate who spirited ACM's lifelong commitment to computer science education, recognizing the need to introduce CS to young students taught by educators with the tools and training to inspire future generations to the wonders of computing.

ACM, teachers, and students worldwide are indebted to Chris Stephenson for her landmark work in creating an international organization dedicated to supporting teachers and pursuing excellence in CS education for K-12 students. As the architect and first executive director of the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), Chris led the charge that changed the way CS education is appreciated at the K-12 level. Under her astute, decade-long leadership, CSTA grew to over 20,000 strong, culminating in projects and initiatives that deeply impacted K-12 education and educators around the world. Along the way, she motivated corporate sponsors and educational partners to join the cause. Teachers today have access to unprecedented opportunities for professional development thanks to the efforts of CSTA. Indeed, the guidelines in the ACM K-12 Computer Science Standards are now recognized as the de facto U.S. CS curriculum standard. Chris also made major contributions to awareness of and broad progress on K-12 CS education including through her co-authorship of the Running on Empty report and her participation as a founding member of the Computing in the Core organization. ACM salutes Chris Stephenson for her steadfast devotion to CS education.

ACM Senior Member

USA - 2009