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ACM Fellows

USA - 1994


For his important and pioneering work in teaching introductory computer science. Among his many contributions in this area ate the Scheme programming language, and the well known text Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, written with Harold Abelson.

ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award

USA - 1990


For his important and pioneering work in teaching introductory computer science. Among his many contributions in this area are the Scheme programming language, and the well known text Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, written with Harold Abelson.

The Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award is being presented this year to Professor Gerald Sussman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The award is being made for his many important contributions to the teaching of computer science.

Professor Sussman is well-known and widely respected as both a teacher and a researcher. He has authored many technical research papers, and he was recently elected a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. However, what is truly impressive is how many of Professor Sussman's research contributions ultimately find their way into both the graduate and undergraduate curriculum, such as his work on constraint-propagation models of electrical networks, and non-deterministic pattern matching implementations of logic programming.

Professor Sussman has also done significant pioneering work in introductory computer science education. Among his extensive contributions to education are two - the Scheme programming language and the textbook (co-authored with Harold Abelson) Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - that have helped educators reshape introductory courses. These ideas have provided a formal framework for presenting the fundamental principles of computer science at hundreds of colleges and universities in the United States and around the world.