Fabrizio Gagliardi

ACM Presidential Award
Switzerland - 2018
In appreciation of his selfless dedication to ACM, ensuring the organization's activities, services, and influence extend throughout the European continent
He is honored here for his tireless efforts as the spirit behind ACM's public policy arm in Europe, EUACM, having served as its chair since 2013. Gagliardi is a practical visionary, who realized if ACM is to inform technology policy in Europe it must have a formidable, and local, presence. The work of EUACM under Gagliardi's leadership has made a lasting impression in short order, forging dialogues about computing with members of the European Commission as well as spearheading public policy statements on cybersecurity and CS education. He was a guiding force behind two recent panels featuring ACM and EU Commission representatives, considering issues of computing instruction and automated decision making.
ACM Presidential Award
Switzerland - 2013
In recognition of his tireless leadership in sharpening the visibility of ACM and its professional and educational activities throughout Europe. Serving as chair of ACM-Europe during its inaugural three years, Dr. Gagliardi has inspired and led preeminent ACM activities to the region resulting in growth in European chapters, membership, and conferences. His commitment to building integral relationships with Informatics-Europe and the European Union has further raised global awareness and respect for ACM initiatives. His leading role in the creation of the first Heidelberg Laureate Forum defines his devotion to celebrating and cultivating the potential of young researchers in computer science.