Award Recipient
Jeannette M. Wing
ACM Distinguished Service Award
USA - 2014
For her advocacy of "computational thinking," her leadership of the Computing and Information Science & Engineering directorate of the US National Science Foundation, and for drawing new and diverse audiences to the field of computer science.
Through her leadership and advocacy of "computational thinking," Jeannette Wing has helped the computing community articulate the promise of computation to broad audiences. She has positioned the field to communicate the core concepts of computing in elegant and easily understood ways, and, through the passion and energy she brings to the concept, has championed its introduction in numerous national and international venues. Computational thinking courses are now being fielded in K12 and higher education around the world, bringing in new and diverse audiences to learn about computing.
In addition, from 20072010 Jeannette headed the Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) at the US National Science Foundation (NSF). Under Jeannettes leadership the NSF initiated an array of new programs, including: Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation, Expeditions in Computing, Trustworthy Computing, CyberPhysical Systems, SocialComputational Systems, Dataintensive Computing, and Smart Health and Well-Being. These programs have had an enduring influence in reshaping the questions and projects targeted by computing researchers.
Press Release
ACM Fellows
USA - 1998
For fundamental contributions to formal methods, programming languages, and programming methodology, and for promoting the use of formal methods in software development.