ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee Members

Selection Committee

  • Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania (Chair)
  • Anindya De, University of Pennsylvania
  • Jyotirmoy Deshmukh, University of Southern California
  • Rishab Goyal, University of Wisconsin
  • Mohit Iyyer, University of Massachussetts
  • Dinesh Jayaraman, University of Pennsylvania
  • Varun Kanade, University of Oxford
  • Kuldeep Meel, National University of Singapore
  • Mukund Raghothaman, University of Southern California
  • Gagandeep Singh, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Rachee Singh, Cornell University
  • Arcot Sowmya, University of New South Wales
  • Ashutosh Trivedi, University of Colorado

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